Why You Should Try a Cedar Smudging Bundle

Smudging has been practiced for centuries by various cultures worldwide. It’s a sacred ritual that uses the smoke of plants to carry prayers and cleanse the body, mind, and spirit. Smudging with cedar is a traditional Native American practice that’s used to purify a space, bring in positive energy, and remove negative vibes. Cedar is a natural purifier that’s known for its healing properties. In this blog post, we’ll take a closer look at cedar smudging bundles, their benefits, and why you should try them.

1. What is a Cedar Smudging Bundle?

A cedar smudging bundle is a bundle of dried cedar leaves that are tied together with string and used for smudging. Cedar smudging bundles are usually 4 to 5 inches long and can be burned like incense to purify a space. Cedar is known for its healing properties and has been used by indigenous communities for generations. It’s believed to have a powerful spiritual connection and can help to keep the negative energy at bay.

2. The Benefits of a Cedar Smudging Bundle

Cedar smudging bundles have many benefits. They can purify your surroundings, clear your energy pathways, and bring in positive energy. Burning cedar also has a calming effect on the mind and body and can help to reduce stress and anxiety. Cedar is known for its antimicrobial properties and can help to kill bacteria and viruses in the air. It’s also a natural insect repellent and can help to keep bugs away.

3. How to Use a Cedar Smudging Bundle

Using a cedar smudging bundle is easy. Begin by lighting the tip of the cedar bundle with a lighter or a match. Hold it over a fireproof dish, such as an abalone shell or a clay pot. As the cedar starts to smolder, use a feather or your hand to direct the smoke around your body or over an object. As you do this, visualize the negative energy leaving and positive energy coming in. When you’re done, place the cedar bundle in the fireproof dish and let it extinguish naturally.

4. Where to Use a Cedar Smudging Bundle

Cedar smudging bundles can be used in many places. You can use them to purify your home, your office, your car, or any other space that you occupy. You can also use them to cleanse your crystals, your jewelry, your clothes, or any other object that you want to charge with positive energy. Cedar smudging bundles are versatile and can be used in many ways.

5. Why You Should Try a Cedar Smudging Bundle

If you’re looking for a natural way to purify your surroundings, reduce stress and anxiety, and bring in positive energy, you should definitely try a cedar smudging bundle. Cedar is a powerful natural purifier that has been used for centuries by indigenous communities. By using a cedar smudging bundle, you can connect with this ancient ritual and experience its many benefits.


Cedar smudging bundles are a natural and effective way to purify your surroundings, reduce stress and anxiety, and bring in positive energy. They’re easy to use, versatile, and have many benefits. By using a cedar smudging bundle, you can connect with an ancient ritual that has been passed down through generations and experience its powerful healing properties. So why not try a cedar smudging bundle today and see for yourself the positive impact it can have on your life?